Professional Presentations and Publications
Moeller, M., Larios, C., & Camarillo, I. (August, 2024). HERO warm-ups: Individualized parent coaching for dads in fatherhood programs [Workshop presentation]. The 2024 National Fatherhood Summit, Atlanta, GA.
Maynigo, T., Stauble, K., Moeller, M., Feit Mann, D., Mowrey, W., & Xu, Y. (August, 2024). Comparative efficacy of virtual and in-person psychoeducational groups [Poster presentation]. The Annual American Psychological Association Conference, Seattle, WA.
Maynigo, T., Moeller, M., Parra, L., & Larios, C. (July, 2024). An experiential, principle-based approach to HMRF programming: Insights from Montefiore's Supporting Healthy Relationships and HERO Dads programs [Workshop presentation]. The 2024 Healthy Marriage and Responsible Fatherhood (HMRF) Biennial Grantee Conference, Washington, DC.
Moeller, M., Feit Mann, D., Mowrey, W., Xu, Y. & Maynigo, T. (July, 2024). Zooming in & out: Preliminary findings from Montefiore's relationship education and fatherhood programs [Poster presentation]. The 2024 Healthy Marriage and Responsible Fatherhood (HMRF) Biennial Grantee Conference, Washington, DC.
Maynigo, T., Woods, D., Mowrey, W., Liu, J., & Moeller, M. (August, 2023). Connecting marginalized families in virtual psychoeducational groups: Does Zoom work? [Poster presentation]. The Annual American Psychological Association Conference, Washington, DC.
Moeller, M. (2023, June). HERO Dads at Montefiore Medical Center in the Bronx. In C. W. Patterson (Chair), Building strong community through fatherhood programs [Panel presentation]. The 2nd Annual NYC DYCD Affirming Fatherhood Conference, Queens, NY.
Moeller, M. (2023, May). Promoting healthy masculinity in our families & community. [Panel presentation, Chair]. The 2nd Annual NYC DYCD Affirming Fatherhood Conference, Online.
Larios, C., Woods, D. & Moeller, M. (2023, April). Fostering healthy masculinity in fatherhood programs [Workshop presentation]. The 24th Annual Fathers and Families Coalition of America Conference, Los Angeles, CA.
Maynigo, T. & Moeller, M. (2023, April). Fathers and families in a virtual world: Does Zoom work? [Workshop presentation]. The 24th Annual Fathers and Families Coalition of America Conference, Los Angeles, CA.
Moeller, M. & Maynigo, T. (2022, July). Connecting brothers: Facilitating vulnerable conversations between dads in relationship and parenting workshops [Workshop presentation]. The 11th National Association for Relationship and Marriage Education (NARME) Annual Summit, Salt Lake City, UT.
Maynigo, T. & Moeller, M. (2022, July). Zooming in to enhance engagement: Creating closeness among couples in a virtual world [Workshop presentation]. The 11th National Association for Relationship and Marriage Education (NARME) Annual Summit, Salt Lake City, UT.
Moeller, M. & Maynigo, T. (2022, March). Brotherly love: Creating vulnerable conversations between dads [Workshop presentation]. The 23rd Annual Fathers and Families Coalition of America Conference, Los Angeles, CA.
Maynigo, T. & Moeller, M. (2022, January) Bearing witness to emotional vulnerability between partners: Choreographing EFT enactments in a psychoeducational group for couples [Webinar]. Society for the Exploration for Psychotherapy Integration, Online.
Moeller, M. (2021, August). Enhancing vulnerability with an Indian couple after an emotional affair. In T. P. Maynigo (Chair), Risk in being witnessed: Choreographing emotionally vulnerable dialogues with diverse couples [Skill building session]. American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Online.
Moeller, M. & Maynigo, T. (2021, July). Relationship satisfaction, skills acquisition, and emotional intelligence: An exploratory analysis of HMRE with low-income couples [Workshop presentation]. The 10th National Association for Relationship and Marriage Education (NARME) Annual Summit, San Antonio, TX
Moeller, M. (2021, June). Emotional infidelity and vulnerability across cultures: Unwrapping emotions with an Indian couple. In T. P. Maynigo (Chair), Integrating Multicultural Frameworks into Emotionally Focused Therapy [Panel presentation]. 37th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Exploration for Psychotherapy Integration, Online.
Larios, C., Moeller, M., Minges, M. V., Mowrey, W. & Maynigo, T. (2021, June). The gap between skill acquisition and skill application with English and Spanish-speaking couples [Poster presentation]. 37th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Exploration for Psychotherapy Integration, Online.
Sweitzer, L., Chan, A. Maynigo, T., Moeller, M., Wetzler, S., Minges, M. V., Chau, L. & Scuello, M. (2021, June). Predictors of attrition in relationship education workshops [Poster presentation]. 37th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Exploration for Psychotherapy Integration, Online.
Parra, L., Minges, M. V., Mowrey, W., Moeller, M., & Maynigo, T. (2021, June). Are all measures equal? An exploration of self-report measures across Latinx individuals born outside or inside the U.S. [Poster presentation]. 37th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Exploration for Psychotherapy Integration, Online.
Maynigo, T., Wetzler, S., Moeller, M., Chau, L., and Scuello, M. (2020). Descriptive Evaluation of Supporting Healthy Relationships in the Bronx, NY: Final Descriptive Evaluation Report for Montefiore Medical Center.
Moeller, M. (2019, September). Building healthy relationships: Enhance your communication and vulnerability with “Hold Me Tight” [Workshop presentation]. The Fifth Annual New York Fathering Conference: The Difference a Dad Makes, Westchester, NY.​​
Maynigo, T. & Moeller, M. (2019, August). Healthy marriage and relationship education (HRME) with low-income couples in the Bronx: An exploratory analysis [Poster presentation]. The 2019 Healthy Marriage and Responsible Fatherhood (HMRF) Biennial Grantee Conference, National Harbor, MD.​
Maynigo, T. & Moeller, M. (2019, July). Enhancing vulnerability and trust with low-income couples: Integrating process-oriented interventions within a relationship education program [Workshop presentation]. The 9th Annual National Association for Relationship and Marriage Education (NARME) Summit, Nashville, TN.
Moeller, M. (2017) Tugging at his tallis strings: An in-depth exploration of contemporary Orthodox Jewish fatherhood. Retrieved from ProQuest dissertations and theses global. (10674222)
Moeller, M. & Winograd, M. (2017, July). On becoming a father and implications for pregnancy complications and losses [Poster presentation]. The 30th Annual Postpartum Support International Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
Moeller, M., Springer, C., & Cinberg, M. (2015, November). Fatherhood in Orthodox Jewish families: A qualitative research study [Poster presentation] The 77th Annual Meeting of the National Council on Family Relations, Vancouver, BC.
Sapountzis, I., Giuseppone K., & Moeller, M. (2015, August). Listening to the Fear: Individual and group psychotherapy with preschool children [Paper presentation] The Gunawirra Sponsored Workshop, Gunedah, Australia.
Rajwan, E., Chacko, A., & Moeller, M. (2012). Nonpharmacological interventions for preschool ADHD: State of the evidence and implications for practice. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice. 43(5), 520-526. doi: 10.1037/a0028812